The Autumn Season Is Delightful

Autumn is my favourite time in the rotation around the sun that we call the year. Summer is too hot and too bright; not good for my prodigious coat of fur and delicate eyes. Winter is too cold and wet; not nice for my sensitive paws. Spring has pollen that irritates my nose. Autumn is just right.

There is a large window on the front of my house, and I like to watch the colours of the trees slowly change. The leaves flutter down to the ground with such gentle grace, and I delight in the way that they crunch when they are stepped upon by passers-by.

As the nights draw in, I can snuggle up with a nice fluffy blanket and a good book, and read until morning comes. Dawn is a brilliant grey-blue, and shines off of the metal of my breakfast chicken bowl. In the daytimes, In the daytime, I snooze in the crisp autumn sunbeams; the shadows falling perfectly on the bedsheet folds of human beds.

I am at my most handsome amongst fall colours. That’s just another bonus.

Until later, my loves
