It Appears That I Have Fallen Victim To The Festive Sillies

Well, dear readers, it is December. And that can mean only one thing for life in our household: Christmas. Christmas is a peculiar human holiday based around love, friendship, giving, and the decorating of the house with various wintery accoutrements. That, my friends, is my annual undoing.

While I am usually a sensible, intelligent, urbane type of kitty, the presence of Christmas decorations around the domicile gives me an unfortunate case of the festive sillies. I run around chasing strings of tinsel, bat baubles off of the Christmas tree, and knock over the decorations placed on the kitchen table. I do not know what exactly befalls me. It must be how Ziggy feels when he gets taken over by his “Richard Chewing” persona.

Speaking of Ziggy, I must recount an old story, lest the humiliation in this post solely be mine. A few years ago, Ziggy got so excited to open his presents on Christmas morning that he threw up all over the beautiful Christmas wreath that was the centrepiece of our dining room table.

Anyway, back to my own foibles. I have always had a taste for sampling the delicate leaves of plants. I adore the unique tastes and textures, though it has brought me the odd tummy ache in the past. So when my owner brought in some beautiful corsages of poinsettia and berries, I became very excited to have a little taste. Alas, they turned out to be fabric forgeries (real poinsettias, as it turns out, are actually toxic to kitties), but that did not stop me picking them up and running about the house with them in my mouth.

It feels so freeing to be a simple-minded animal for a little while. Perhaps being a sophisticate cat is not all it cracked up to be…

Food for thought, my loves.

