DINKMAIL – Salutations, Mon Frère!


Salutations, mon frère! It’s me, your beloved brother Loki, just dropping in to thank you for your help in teaching me to use the human computerbox! I have successfully learned HTML and have launched a blog of my very own. Please check out Loki's Pondering Palace if you have the time, my good chap.

- Loki

Grate, finally some Dinkmail from some one other than that danned “Amonymmus.” Ur blog is pretty kewl, Loki, tho I think you do not have the same sophisticated aesthetic sensibilites as me, and ur haikos or whtever are boring!

It was nice to make you smart about the computerbox, though your paws are like TWO LARGE HAMS that HIT THE KEYS OF THE KEYBOARD FAR TOO HARSHLY. Maybe just something to work on for the future…