DINKMAIL – goto mine bloag


helo bother Dillon! Loki say that u tought him HTNL for to make the bloag, and i get him teech me! Suplies! now I have my own bloag! Goto mine bloag, ziggis bloag , plese!

- Ziggy

Um… So, wow. This sure is… A website. It’s lines of code. BUTT IT LOOKS SO POOEY! COMIC SAMS? REALLY? YOU DID FOR WRITE YOUR BLOG IN COMIC SAMS?! and ur images are all crusty wusty… Like you dug them out from bottom of litter tray. I don’t even kno how you take foto that badly!

But otherwise it is very Cute and I will ALWAYS READ UR POSTS. You are Annoying, but you are My Brother, so I CARE YOU REALY!!!!