Malding Ragefully...

Ever sinse that EVIL GRAYAM CRUNGE came into my Dinkmale and Read Me 2 FLITH I have been malding ragefully every single minite of every single day. My tail is so swishy that it is Constatly surrounded by cload of furious blur. That poosniffer treated my dinkmail like his own personal litter tray, and his words are deadly cutting beams of HOT WEE. Rodrick is coming out of my brane more than usuale, and HE IS MAKEING ME HIT PEOPLE!!! AND NOW I AM IN TROBLE WITH MOTHER!!!!

Moral gardines only care what I do, but do not eavin Care to Notice the injustices taht make me this way in the FRIST PLACE!!! If you stop the ingustices at the sauce, then maybe brave warrior of right and wrong like me will not feels the powerful urge to DO AN ANGRY!??! Just a thought… AND, ANOTHER THING, I WILL SEE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ONE DAY!!! GOD WILL LET ME THROUGH THE PEARLY GATES BECAUSE I AM HIS BRAVEST LITTLE SOLDIER!!! and even if he don’t, I don’t believe in him anyway…