My Feelings About Mother Are Complex And Multi-Layered, Like A Cake Of Love And Hatred With The Icing Of Confusion Gluing Them Together

Okay, so I have been having So Many thoats about Mother lately and it is making me feel all sorts of ways. It is like a big big cake with many layers, like a nice layers like a tuna flavour or vamilla or whatever, and a bad layers like a poo and wee flavour, and the icing in between the layers is made of my whole complex mix of my feelings about mother and her intentions towards me, which makes me confused.

Mother got as early cristmas presint an electricity blanket, which plug into wall to make warm quick. It is unfair that she gets present early and I don’t, but she doesn’t have any fur and is gross so I suppose she needs something so she doesn’t freeze to death. I will be understandingable this time. Espectially since she shair the blanket with me so thoughtfully!

I sit on mother lap, and I absorb the warmth which feel so good. And I get to watch the programs with her on the television, even though mother’s programs are NOT VERY GOOD because she has poor taste generally. To be warm with mother is almost make me forgive her bad smells of betrayal of me with other cats, which she have washed off now.

But the problem with mother is that she LOVE ME TO GOOTAM MUTCH!!! she always a pick me up and a kiss on my fourhead and rubbing my tummy, and the indignity of it makes me feel bad. I think maybe I would rather mother not love me so much becuase then maybe I could have a nap and dream of my screamplays without a SPITTY, KISSY INTERRUPTION! Mother’s stinking mouth hole is like a villainous cavern filled with WHITE ENEMY COMBATANTS (her teethes), and I do not apreciate having it close and personal to my brain. I think like maybe she is sucking my thoughts out of my head and stealing my screamplay ideas, since she is an alleged “writer” like me (thoug I cant rember any thing she has written lately at all. SAD!!!).

The most thing I am confused about was a couple of days ago. I was minding own business when mother pick me up and hold me baby-type. I HATE BEING HELD BABY TYPE BECAUSE I AM LITERALLY A GROWN UP!!! But before I make a growl to articulate my opiniones, she wrap me up in electricity blanket an it is so lovely and warm like a big surprise. And not only do I not gorwl, I relax and sit quietly and even purr a little for even ten whole minutes!!! I was suprised and confused so much, and when I stood up I was like a “What the henk?” I don’t even know what happened to me and why mother’s power was so great. This is like the boyslop and my ruined scruples all over again!!!

I think that dep down I actually love mother a lot?!? I remembe when I was kitten and she stay up late playing toys with me. Back then I think mother was so smart and good and cool, and I wonder how I became so jaded to all the life in the world… Mysterious…

I wish I could bake a cake of all my feelings for mother, but I am not allowed to go in the kitchem at night time.