Mother Got Me A ROBOT For Christmas
So Christmas have been and went. I had a pretty good one. I didn’tt get as many presints as the humans, wich is MEGA GOTTAM UNFAIR, but I did get some presints which was nice. My main presint was from mother, and it was you never even guess what.
And this thing is great. It runs so fast at mighty speed across the flore, and it has a red light on the front which BLASTS MINE ENEMIES WITH A MIGHTY RAY AND HELPS IT GET FOUND WHEN LOST BEHIND FURNITURE!!! It is so fun to chase but only I get to chase it becuse it belong to me olny!!!
I donot know how mother afford such a thin as she is UNQUALIFIED AND UNEMPLOYED. SAD! I bet it costed a million moneys, and mother will be poor forever paying it off or whatever. This is just like her “studnet lones,” which she cannot aford. But mother’s problems are a my gain, so I guess I should enjoy her FINANTIALLY ERRORSPONSIBLE.
The other cats got a catnip toy and yucky biskits for presints, which shows they do not have as matur and sopisticated tastes as me. Even loki, who is so much talk down to me about his book smarts, was drippling and droling all over this poler bear catnip toy so much it was gross. It got all wet and nasty, and that was on CHRISTMAS MORNING on alone!!! Riminde me not 2 let him touch mine newly restored Squirry, as he will only OBLITERATE HIM WITH HIS WRETCHED SALIVER!!!