Update Of The Day-To-Day Of My Life

So… I have’t been writing again for ages since the EVIL GRAHAM CRUMB sent me that letter at new year. But I have been very busy writin a NEW screamplay, which will be MINE BEST SCREAMPLAY YET ONCE IT IS FINISHED!!! It is a scient fiction epic abuot robots and justice and i thint rodger dowdy mister is gonna want to play the mane character.

But I thoat it would be wrong of me to not tell my adoring fans all of the things that are been going on in my acursed house hold. I have been so HEAVILY CHEESED latey and I think I need to let out all of the stresses and the nasties to feel better. Firstey, my UNCLE COOL, the most tolerateable person in this whole HELL FAMILY was GONE AWAY FROM ME!!!! He went to this place called “camp” to do “sports and actifities” which mean he pack all of his things into a soatcase and LEAVING ME!!! this is like a majorly not so cool thing for him to do becase he didn’t even think about how this would efect me at all and I was stuck with mother and the other cats and with NO COOL SHOWS FOR ME TO WATCH! And his lap is the most comfortable and he pets me the most niceys, but I supouse I still have mother who is okay sometimes even though her PROGRAMS SHE WATCHES ARE NO GOOD AND HER HANDS PET ME TOO HEAVY!!

he camed back after four hole days and was all STINKY AND TIRED and smelled of HARDWORKING SPORTS!!! he aparently learned to shoot bowan arrer real good so maybe he can teach me to bowan arrer so I can FINALLY DEFEAT MINE ENEMIES ON THE BATTLE FIELD OF WAR!!! I think that I might be good at artery, and I could impale graham crumb on a arrer and ROASTED HIM ON A BIG FIRE!!! maybe uncles skills are good use to me…. Food for thoats….

And at the same time of that, mother was so sick with “my grain” (whose grain??? I donot kno). This mean she sit in a dark bedroom with NO PROGRAMS ON IN PEACE AND QUIET. LAME!!! although I stil sat on her bed 2 use mine mighty powers 2 stop the dreadful afliktion from claming her life. which I think she should be realy grateful for and should give me boyslop if she VALUES HER LIVE SO DANNED BAD!

mother is so danned whinny when she is sick like two ziggies and a loki put together. I would bring her my squirry so politey to ask to play, and she grone and mone like a binbag full of sick and say “not now, Dillon!!!” well then maybe I should just run away from home if I am this much of a botter!!! I am using mine energies to protect your life from your wretched ill health and you can’t even toss my squirry for me?!?! LAME!!!

also in other news Ziggy is continuing to make shennanygens for me. Since all the images on his blog are all crusty and nasty, I tried mine best to teach him to edit them to look nice like the images on my blog. This has aparently backed fire as he has photo shopped an image of his face to make his head look large and bulbers, supposed to make him seem more smart. Well if any of you see that just know that it is not true and his head continues to be as small and unremarkable as the rest of him. CRINGE!!!