my also ego
okie so on dilon bloag he talk about his “kins.” these are guy like rod rick and rummer tummer who lives in side his head and come out when he feel a sort of emotion. i do not like rod rick because he slapse me wit he paws, but that is be sides tha point.

Richard Chewing is a bad man who live in mine hart and make me chew on thins.
I think that some tines I have an also ego. his name is Richard Chewing and he make me chew on thing. here is a photo i think how look he look in my brane, tho maybe he look more angry and bigger teef.
wen Richard Chewing come out, i feel he lookin at me, and it make me chew all sorts o thing. strink. pastic bag. sheet of pepar. hedphone wire. phone chagre wire. fip bip (some kidn of wist watch that mesure human egsersize? vey chewy taste nise). rubbaban. hair rubbaban. i chews like a crasy mannyac and it feels so good but also like a bad slug of gilt in mine hart. i am a good boy and i do not want to be trubbersome for the humans whom i love verry mutch. Richard Chewing is want me 2 be trubbersome.

I am vry sory four what i have done.
here is a poto of me aftre i chewd on a hedphone wire. as u can see i were racked w gilt for my aksions. i am not a bad boy i am a gud boy i prommy and this was not with in mine charater. Richard Chewing is a devious presentce in mine minde that make me feels hornted.
pease donot judch or feel bad at me becuase i confess mine proplems. i think that we all have proplems in our heartse and mindes and lifes and sutch, and if we make them out four the worlt 2 sea, then is first step in makeing change. i loves u byeeees