i must report mine tails of bavery in the bafe

hello so i did a very bave thing recently and i want to tell you allaboute it becuse i am proud of my good behaveor. i thint that after this insedent i have completed all of mine new yers resilotions, which is good becues it is only martch. if i have competed them then may be i just relax rest of the yere.

so... recetly i had a proberlem with mine helf. it was not so bad and was fine, tho it did result in a problem in… the general pantalones region. it was to nasty and to bad for me or even Dillon to even thint about clean with tonge. like tooooo nasty.

so the only optshun……….. . . .. . . . .. a water bafe……. in the bafetub………

that was the scarest thing ever imagineble for me, like if Richard Chewing and the new stuf animal in the house had a SCARY BABY. water is good in water bole to sip at, or outside in the rane to watch from inside all warm and cosie, but to stand in it and get weted on is the worst thing ever ever ever!!!

but the problen in my general pantalones region was bothering mine sensertive skin, so it had to hapen. and i deciderd to be so good and so bave about it becuse i am a good boy and i can be machure about the situwations. and also mine favorte human did the bafe for me and she considerated mine feelins.

the noise of the shawa was to load and to hissy like a ferokious snate, so that was right out. human started with runing just a smale bit of water from the tap, only to abote toe-hite. she let me see it, and then care fully dunt me in. at frist i JUNT HARSLY, LIKE A BONCING BALL becuse surprise at the wet, but then i thint resonable about it and stand in the water. it was warm which was nise but also very wet. the wet on mine toes hare make it all flat and hevy, which make mine paws look thin like skelerton paws. that scarde me becuse that is not what paws is suposed to look like!

i stand there for a few minuts, just geting used to it. human swish around water with her fingers and i look at the inesting shiny glimping look of it. and soon i also spash mine paws to make my own shiny glimps. making it into a game make it les scary. it is like on the orlimpics, where they get a medile for swiming. even tho swiming sucks it is worth it becuse it is all a game to win medile.

then the tap is turne on low, and the water get a litle deeper. it is a bit scray mainey becuse of the noise, and i did meow a little bit, but I did not hiss or scrat or bite or do anything likes of Dillon or Loki wold do if they had to have bafe. i put mine front pawes on the edge of the bafetub, and the water come up to mine waiste, with only my pantalone region and below in the water. it was warm and very wet, but still i dont complain. the washing away of the problem grossnes in mine pantalones region was a relieved, and i felt beter and less unwel. after a while it was not scary, and i lok at the movemint of the water and i feel sireen and relats.

eventuly mine pantalones region was clean and spartly, and then i get out. human wrap me in towl and scub me dry, and then we sit on bed and she tel me how bave i am and how prode she is. i then go downsteres, and the other cats were laf at me. Dillon say i look like “cruddy poo” and Loki say i look like “droned rate” but they both jelis of me when i get FIVE CRUNKY TREAT! (i userly only aloud tree crunky treats at once).

and when i was fuly dry i was so clene and even more flufy than useral. it was a stange experient, and aslo very scray, but i am proude of mine bavery. i would not have a bafe again of my own volishern, but if i need one again i will be evern more comferdent.