fun wif a box
so when the new scray stuf aminal arive (wich i have been watching vigerlently and there has been no atack so it is proberly safe), it arive in a large box made of card bored. since the stuf aminal was even larger than me, the box is very good for playin inside.
unfortunitely, when i play box with dillon, we have to be suppervised by a human, becuse dillon has a tenderncy to do a wee in boxes. i donot kno why he does this and wen i ask him he gets all fustered and embarased, so it is a mistery. but his wee is stinky and grose and ruins boxes! human has to watch and tell dilon “donot wee” when he gets a piddlesome look on his face.
but when i do play box with dillon, this is the games that we play:
frist game is “internationale dilivery.” this game is when i get in box and dilon stops me from getting out again. then he petends to put box in a van and then on an aroplane and send me to some foren desternation such as framnce or americer or even the misterious village of gribley where his nemersis grame crumb lives. and i imagen all of the thints i woulde see if i could see out of the box like eyeful tower or the grande canyin or the gribley post box where grame crumb stand vigilment and gard his leters to the king. it is very exciting but after a wile i get homesick and dilon has to pretent to take the box al the way home again before i start cryin. and then i get out of the box and dilon say something like “i was shure that this time i had realy goten rid of you” but i kno he doesnt meen it and he loves me realy.
the next game is “mity foretress” where dilon and i pretend that the box is a carstle. i live in the carstle as the delicat and nobel princess and dillon is the nite who have to go around defending mine honor. loki say that it is “a petty borg-wa fantersy that feils 2 undestand the compexities of the meddy evil era” but we do not let him play box games with us becuse he is boring and not very imaginertive. altho some times we let him be a travering bard who tels us his poems. some times his poems are good but a lots of the times i donot understan. i wish he cold rite funy poems like a limerik.
the finel game is my faveroute and i have to have a human play it with me. i get in the box with mine head peepin out the top, and a human pick it up and cary it arond. i imagine that i am bein taken on a wark throo the towne, and that i am seeing all the interestin sites. i imagine a markit where there are people selling froits and vegerables, and all the stales are so colourful and everyone smiles when i go by. i imagine a bilding site where all the bilding men are workin hard and everything is tidy and orderly. and then i imagine a schole where al the childeren are happy and playin and the sun is shinin so nicey. i like it when everthing in the worlde is juste rite.
a box can be a beutifile world of imagernation 4 a smale cat like me. just make sure no dillons pee in it piddlesomely.