this conpuder man give me struange feelins

I have ben tryin so hadr to lern about the intnet, so i's been goin on websits more offen. I lern abut these thing call laminated gifts, which are like pictues that move like a telefission shoe or suffin. And I like it like a some kind a majic, aprat from this one I saw that made me struange feelins

wanring! vry scray compuder man!

I doh’t like this man At Alll. his eyes are so epty and it make me feel like so crepy, like plughol of sink or nozle of vacrum cleamer. there is a sort of expession on he face that make me tink… i don’t kno what he want or what he want to do to me… His impentions are a mistery. i tink he knos thinkgs that i dunno, and if I kno these things it woldge meen bad tings for me. he winks so miskeviosly becuase he is beyod law and consekwencies.

madestic duv

i dont think it is vewy god to put tings like this on the intenet. Intenet should be for nice thing like my bloag and piksures of different chicken dishes and vidio of burds at birdtable. I think we all need to be a litle more Free like this noble duv.