i am getting smater – pogess on my resilotions

it have been a while sinse i posted abut mine new yers resilotuins, so i thoat i would update u about how one of them is goint so far. okey so since januray first i have gotting so much smater, and i am lerning about all the grate culture and intellections of the wolrd. unfortunutly no pizzer or chineese menues have been deliver, so i have not been able to lern about fine quizeen, but i has been able to lok at otha thints.

one thing that has been good at making more smate is the docmenteries about thins that are on TV at free or foar in the mornin when the human forget to turn the telemission off. U can learn about such things as new hoovas, steam klenar, and matress and get smart about the good bargains. aparently stream klenar has serval diffent cleaning modes, and can eaven stream kleam ur cloths, which is good valu for mony. it is seveal times cheaper thsn a tipical retail outlet, but i dont thint that mattres to us becuse i have been using our youtility bills 2 pactice nunbers and i am stating to thint our famly is pore becuse those numbres are petty yuge.

aslo after the strang docmenteries there is cartones on in the mornin which is good 2 apreciate the art to make you smatre. being able to understan adanced plotes and stories is gud for your brane, and to analatic them quitically makes you more crative, whish it is own types of smate. But the feem tumes is quite load and that some times wate the humans up and they turn of the telemission.

dilon is workin on a new screamplay, and he has shown me what he wrotten so far. sinse i have goten smater i can apreciate more the feems of scient fiction and robots and the future. i thint it is very god even thoah i thint some chracter are meen parodies of peple in our family.

my brane is grownin and getting bulbos from al of my lerning, and my head has goten even largre and smater. look at this photo to se for yours elf.

a resent picshure of me with a large and smate head showin of my inteligents!