i am so grateful for mine life

so i got me thinkin, and i thint may be i am too negative on mine bloag. the scray conpuder man, my nitemares, my evil also ego Richard Chewing, ed cettera ed cettera. well i thint that’s Not So Good. if i am awlays netagive, then it is not a good thin for the mental lives of mine readers. if i am always showin the sad, then that did not give the most realistic impresion of mine life. like dilon bloag, which is like a miserble bucet of sad old porritch full of werms. cause truth is, a most of the time i am hapy.

even tho i am not the most helthful boy, and i'm am some time trouble by hornted dream and mean of brother, i am so grateful for mine life. i like to eat food which is good, and sleep on a wamr banket. i can take naps when ever i'm want becuse i am not overle burten by responsibility. My life is a speshul treshure, and i must apresheate eatch and ev r e single day.

and it is nerly chrimstas, so theres are decormations in the house. i am surronded by pretty things and spartly lites, and it make a my heart a warmth.