i am nervis about this new stuf aminal

some thing arrive in the hous yesteday in a big big box. i was curios because may be it was a new scraching poast or perhaps a lot of treatse? but no no no no no! humanse open the box and inside there was… LARGE, HUGE AND MAJORLY SCRAY STUFF ANIMAL!!!

this thing is biger than me, seriosly… and his head is so much bigerer than mine head poportionaly and it makes me feel unsecure…

okey so like i am a big grown boy and i understan that stuff animal is not real animal and it is not going to atack me or anethin bad like that. but i has supicious reson to supect that this stuf animal mite be alive and finking malishus thints about me and the famly.

it is all too do with… GOSTS.

do not larf at me this is serios plorsible feory. and this is why! the stuf aminal is made like a type of aminal called “fyler-sine” (i only herd it spoken so i am not to sure about speling). that type animal is etstint, which mean all of those aminals have aredy died which is sad but aslo not to sad as may be they went to hevin. fyler-sine was aslo call “tamsanian tigre” but he was not a cat or even a dog (which the stuf aminal look a lot like, hence me nervis), but a “mupial” which mean he had a bilt in pocket to stor his phone and his loase change and also babyies and that. that sound so yuseful and i wish i had wonof thoes for mine toys and savin treatse for latere.

so what if fyler-sine is so uspet about being etstint that it com down from hevin as a MALISHUS GOST and poses this stuf toy that the humanse bort becuse they are nayeeve abut the suppernatrel??? and that why it so scray to me with mine especil cat sensers??? ther is some thin evil abut this stuf toy and human put it RITE ON HER BED WHER SHE SLEEP!!!! WHERE ASLO I SLEEP! so i am putin it apon mine self to stop bein smale and trembly and potect human from this dark spiret by keping a firm eyebals upon it at al times of dayan nite. as I rite this it is WACHING ME ALL SCRARY-LIKE!!!

i wil continue mine watchfil vigerl until i am shure stuf aminal is no fret to our famlys wells being. i am brave and smarte and my new yers resilotion to be baverer is helping me masservely. hobefuly it not clame my life and i write again some time soon. i love u, byses!