my nitemare

okey, so i lenred that one of the feters of bloag is that you shere you’re feilings with the worlt. and not all in feilings is nice, and some time you have bad feelings (for example like, a sight of malevolent conpuder man asin last poast). if ou shair yout bad feilings with the worlde, then oter people bad feilings seem not so big.

so hereit is; mine nitemare (or, oneof tem at east).

one of my human say one day “you are so smal that i cold attach a balloon to yuo and you Float Awaye.” and i go “whar?” “is that real?” And i thint mabee not, but when i dreem…

the balon is big and red and tied around me with a big string. and it pulling me upways, like a jump where you do not go back down. and i go highe and highe and i meow 4 hlepe, but i flote to high and all the humanse can’tnnot jmupe that highe.

and the groun get smaler and smaler and i kik mine legs 2 stere and it No Yuse. i jus keep goin an goin an goin and goin and goin. Sometime i float all the way 2 hevin, an sometime i flote 2 hell four being bad. but sometimes I flote so high and so far that the world is just a tiny bal.

When i wake up, i get crunky treet from a pouch, because i kik my legse when i have nitemeare and everybody sease it. but for the hole day I just feel a bit…. hornted? like all flotee and scraed and like i canot be my yousueal zesty self. do you ever get bad dream and it go yuo hornted???

I drewed an artistit repersentashion of what the nitemare look like, but be worn, it is estremely scray…

a very tewifiny imag of a smal cat flotin awaye. it is vray scray...

so ye thas it. except some time, i craw under banket on owner’s bed and sleep nex 2 owner where I feel Safe. esept wen I get loss under ther, but then i am Always Found… in the ende…