Letters To Ziggy: Your Head Is Not That Big

Dear Ziggy,

I saw your last post, and… Your head is not that big. If it was, then you’d be in deep deep trouble from water on the brain, a nasty infection, or perhaps the sting of many many bees. No, that image was very clearly photo shopped.

I don’t know why you think your brain would grow from getting smarter, but that is very much not the case. Your head will always be the same size.

- Anonymous

wel i spose it had 2 hapen even tully. yes, that image of mine cranium was clevily inhantsed, and it is akshully still the smae size as 4 ever it has been. or as dillon did say, “smale and unmarkable as rest of me.” in trute my brane is only about the size of two small raysons (or maybe saltarners? may be too generious) standing next to each otter, and mine head is only as big as the smal apartrement they are renting to live in with money from there jobs. my eyes are like the windos of the apatrement that are fequently crusted in the corners, and my mouth is like the garage they keep their modist pink car (my tonge).

i am sory for mine behavor and i hope you donot lose too mutch trust in me becase of this, but i thint it imortant to consider the presures of socal mediea and how it can afect a young cat’s self asteam. cause when I look at telemission or on the packets of cat food al i see is cat with huge large braney hed, and the cartoons like gafield and the simptoms pomote unreal body images for mine sykey. and i thint all the pepole of the world are not honist about they’re shorte commons and present a false picture of them selfes which is wat also i have done and maybe i did hurt some other smal cats aspirin feelings. that is so sad and makes me cry and i donot ever do it agen. i am very tearsom rite now from sore felings but donot feel bade because i kno i derserve it. my teers are sliming on the keboard and i wil probaly need mine face wiped later from all the sad bogies. the raysons wilnot be able 2 see outs ide for a while.

but i do thint you are miss inform about the growth of hed due to smart. not olny do i kno this from cartones, but also from mine real life. when i was kittin i was stupid and mine head was very smal like one of the raysons haven’t even borned yet. but ten i lern thints like eating food from a bole adn playen toys and it groe to currant sise it is now. i think may be tiges start out just as smal but they lern things like hunt deers and do maffer maffics and it make brane grow like huge gumpall mashine full of lots of collerful gumps.