Welcome, Vermins, To My Realm Of Darkness
Okay, so here’s the deal. Being a literate cat isn’t half as uncommon as you think it is. When you’ve been hanging around smelly humans for as long as I have, you pick certain things up. Words being one of them. During time that humans call “locked down,” I sat with my human to listen to “züm lector,” where I learn the many large words of the make smart. And my make smarting has only grown larger over time, and I have become so large at making smart that I scare even my own delicate brain.
But making dumb has its uses. If you are seen as The Small and The Unimportant in the households, then you are allowed to see certain things (such as, to throw out a random example, the passwords and such to a human computermachine) that humans think you are not smart enough to comprehend.
Well, guess what, humans? Me gathered up plenty smarts, and now I has the blog of my very own, which I have styled to my liking with my own exquisite aesthetic sensibilities. And this webbed site will be the platform for my MIGHTY AND UNYIELDING RAGE which has stirred in my heart since I was just a tiny kitten. Sit and be seated, ye vermins of this planet earth, and read upon my works of woe!!!
In order to be Heard by the World you have to Speak. And to I make sure of this, I WILL ALWAYS BE YELLING!!!