Letters To Ziggy: Dude… You Were Sick On A Christmas Wreath One Time?

Hey Ziggy,

So I read this post on your brother Loki’s blog, and… Is what he said about you true? Did you really throw up on the dining table Christmas wreath a few years ago? That’s real gross, dude! You can’t do that!

- Anonymous

okie so thurst thing thank you amonymus for bein the first person to send me an internet letter. i was stating to wory that nodody wouldge evr send me any thing at al.

but secondy, yes it is true that I threow up on the special criusmas reeth back in i think twenny twenny. so nearly for yers ago. it was an acident, and it was becuse i was too exsited for my presints on cruismas morning. noboddy was that upet and every body said “it is okie ziggy it is fine becuase we kno you have a delicate tumy and you get bilious some times. we are not mad or n e thin because you our are family.”

that yere i got a toy mous and a speshial fuzzy ball and some cat nip treatse to shere with my brothers. it was good and the most presious gift of all is to be a member of a famly.

I thint that may be that it is not fare to hold ppls old mestakes ovar they’re headse. i have lernd now how to feel when i gonna be a sick, and i kno to go some were with a wipe cleen surfase like a lanimate flore. i am always lerning and growing and to strive to be a gooderer person.