
Dear Dillon,

Look at this photo and WEEP YOUR WRETCHED TEARS!!! I have printed out a selection of your most EVIL and UNLOVELY posts, and I will be delivering them BY HAND to CLIFF HEAD, the ALMIGHTY CHAIRMAN of my local CONCERNED CITIZENS GROUP.

I tried to warn you. I tried to get you to change your wicked ways. But you didn’t listen. What happens to you now is solely YOUR OWN FAULT.

Cliff Head is an incredibly powerful man. When Gribley community centre still had its Halloween decorations up in mid November, he FILED A PETITION FOR THEIR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL. When local youths opened a cupcake stand without a permit, he HAD THEM SHUT DOWN AND PUNISHED. When Judith Spudge mowed her lawn 1.2CM ABOVE REGULATION HEIGHT, HE ORDERED AN IMMEDIATE RE-MOWING!!! I SHUDDER TO THINK WHAT HE WILL MAKE OF YOU, YOUNG MAN. HE MAY EVEN HAVE YOU KILLED OR WORSE!!!

I wash my hands of you, cat.

- Graham Crumb, Moral Guardian

Okey…. So this is so CRINGE! You are scrunching and crunching the paper so much in your MEATY OLD MAN HANDS that NONE BODY SHALL BE ABLE TO READ IT!!! And I don’t even give a care what “Cliff Head” have to say!!! I don’t even know where a “Gribley” is. So there!!!

So give them to him. Let’s see what happens. I bet it’s nothing. I bet I won’t even slightly be PUT TO GOTTAM DEATH!!!