Mother Fixed My Toy!!!

Okay, so like, I have lots of mixed and complicated feelings about mother (as I exspertly explained in mine last post). Just today I was beating up on stupid bother Ziggy to show that mine tough and stuff, and she PICKED ME UP so that HE RUN AWAY!!! LAME!!!

But she also do a nice thing for me recetly that I think I oight to right about, to portray mother with fare and balance.

Okay, so I have a little toybox for all mine toys, and I get them out whenever I’m like (i’m not good at putting away though, human do that). The toys I play with all the time, like fuzzy ball and wool thing and dank nip mouse, stay on top of basket becuaese I play with so much. Menwhile other toys do not get played with so much, and they sink 2 bottem. Since they’re cover in mine slobber and such, they get all mouldy down there in the piles. But they still my toys!!!

Mother dig throgh my toybox and remove all my stinky toys. I think bad, but they are not toys I play with most often, so maybe it fine that they go to other cat less fortunate then me or maybe just in the trash idk??? But then she pull out my Squirry!?!?! Holly gottam henk I forgotted all about him!!!

Squirry was toy I have since kitten times. He is a small sqwirl type animal with a only 2 back legs and a leppid print tale. He used to be attatch to long string on a pole, but I chewed him off the string and carried him around to be my friend.

But I forgot all about him and he got all grunky and smelly down in the box. I was so sad 2 see him go, and I wail to mother not to throw him away like DANNED PEICE OF TRASH!!! But my wails go a useless.

So I thoat.

But then later I go upstair, and holy yess it was squirry sitting there waiting four me!!! Except he was clean and nice and had repair eye and stuffing?! And he even have beed inside for more heavy weighting, which makes him comforting to hold?!? I looked at mother and she said she did this for me. She said that she knew Squirry was my friend of my youth, and that even her evil heart had enough warmth not to cruelly throw him away, and she used her roughly average sewing skills to fix him and make him good to be my friend again!!!

And I say average sewing skills because that is a complement. Mother’s sewing skills usally so bad it scares me. The stuff animals she makes is Not So Good, and turn up in my nightmares. But she was very careful with my Squirry to not make him look like a frankenstyle or perhaps even a devil. And now we play again another day, and I will never let my Squirry get mouldy again.

Thank you mother!!!